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Daily Rebellion

Daily Rebellion is issued daily. Use it for planet saving.

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Declaration of Rebellion

We have a declaration of rebellion. In solidarity with past declarations of rebellion. In support of Life, Indigenous Communities, frontline communities, Extinction Rebellion and #A22Chapters An orientation of Revolution - Our Declaration is Who We Are.

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Culture of Leadership

We are looking to build a culture of leadership. Leadership means study, respect and autonomy. some basic familiarity with the principles and values of XR and our Declaration of Rebellion. If you'd like to help, start by taking our poll or sending an email to will AT

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Daily Rebellion

Daily Rebellion is issued daily. Use it for planet saving.

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Declaration of Rebellion

We have a declaration of rebellion. In solidarity with past declarations of rebellion. In support of Life, Indigenous Communities, frontline communities, Extinction Rebellion and #A22Chapters An orientation of Revolution - Our Declaration is Who We Are.

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Put down your John Hancock
Read The Press Release
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Our Campaign

This Campaign focuses on:

People: Conversations, Collecting donations, Getting signups

Action: Non-violent Direct Action and Civil Disobedience

Education: Giving Away Booklets and The Daily Rebellion.

Promotion: Giving away campaign materials: Stickers. Buttons.

@xrpathways out in Denver, giving out stickers. solidarity with #FreeDegasTwo lets go #savetheplanet🌏 ♬ Golden Hour: Piano Version - Andy Morris

Culture of Leadership

We are looking to build a culture of leadership. Leadership means study, respect and autonomy. some basic familiarity with the principles and values of XR and our Declaration of Rebellion. If you'd like to help, start by taking our poll or sending an email to will AT We've also got a simulation themed series of documenary suggestions if you've got some time on your hands.

Take the Poll
Help get our numbers UP!
Documentary Course
Suggestions for Docs To Watch
  • At first, this was a relatively difficult question to answer. But since starting to publish the Daily Rebellion in June, it's a bit more clear. We're basically here to solve the issue of "Hurry Up and Wait" with ambitious, revolutionary activism. By having a Daily Rebellion publication, and constant calls to action for the #A22Network and fellow XR Affinity groups and Local Chapters, we're seeking to stay in the action, and build up pressure and power. This is not to say that the meetings you want or the actions you want to do will always be there, but with the Daily Rebellion, we can guarantee that you can stay involved and not become distracted. Similar to "going vegan" keeping up on the #DailyRebellion is a daily activity, requiring community involvement and attention to detail. 

  • If you are not seeing the #DailyRebellion on Twitter or the blog, it may be an off day. We're seeing more off days since the quality has gone up quite a bit near the end of November 23'. The team has also grown, so if that continues, we should be back to a daily publication. 

  • We are funded with small dollar donors, mostly. This pays for stickers and other campaign materials. There are no full or part time staff, so work you see done is done by volunteers. Canvassing on the street is our main strategy for growing the campaign outside social media and actions. People can be really generous when they see you are sincere, and have a plan. We're hoping some more substantial donors step in, so we can hire, and work towards becoming self-sufficient with full time organizers and fundraisers. These campaigns would be similar to Bernie Sanders or PIRG, types of campaigns, with the difference being we are focused on non-violence protests with Extinction Rebellion and #A22Network. If you are interested in being hired as a canvasser, send an email to will at Currently there are no paid positions available, but that can change. 

Frequently asked questions at XRPathways
Frequently asked questions at XRPathways